To read our Parent Handbook, please click here. Some important highlights are below:
About Brightwheel
Brightwheel is a software program that can be downloaded as an app that we use to assist in our day to day operations. During the enrollment process, you will receive a text message with a link to set up your profile with Brightwheel for your child. We do make it a mandatory requirement for parents to familiarize themselves with the app for the following purposes:
daily student attendance
paying tuition
online newsletters,
food menus student
check in/check out system arrival & dismissal permissions
emergency alerts
pictures and videos
daily reports for infants/toddlers
parent communication
Our Nutritional Meals & Snacks
Hall Academy participates in the state-wide CACFP food program. Each day we provide two nutritious and well balanced meals, and an afternoon snack. Whole or 1% milk or 100% fruit juice is served with all the meals and snacks, and water accessible throughout the entire day. Daily food menus will be posted on Brightwheel.
No outside food will be permitted. We ask that all outside breakfast items are finished BEFORE entering. If your child has certain food allergies and is required to bring his/her own lunch, a doctor's note will be required. Any food items brought to the school for birthdays/special events, must be purchased at the store and brought in its original container with expiration date.
Field Trips and Volunteering
Your child may participate in walking field trips when planned by Hall Academy as a regular part of the children’s program/curriculum. Parents will be informed, in advance, of any field trips that we will take. Parents are responsible for signing permission slips and returning them before the day of the field trip. Hall Academy will use a licensed transportation service for all group driving field trips. Every child will be required to have a car seat to attend. No trip will take place unless there is a safe ratio of adults to children.
Ongoing parent volunteers may be subject to a background check. Parents of enrolled children are welcomed for brief drop-in at any time except during our quiet time hours. Please contact the school at least an hour in advance before you plan to visit.
Birthdays are exciting for young children. If you plan to celebrate your child's birthday at school please notify the teacher at least one week in advance. We encourage you to get a head count to have enough treats for the entire class. Birthday treats are to be store bought and not be home made.
Hall Academy will assign each Pre-K student a weekly homework project. The project will be issued at the beginning of each week with a list of aged appropriate assignments that will be required to be completed and returned back to the school at the end of the week.
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