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Our Philosophy is to assist families who are in need of quality child care for their infants, toddlers and preschoolers in a safe and loving environment. Our Mission and goal is to introduce a safe, diverse, fun, educational and social experience to infants and toddlers, and to successfully prepare them for transitioning into Kindergarten. From birth to age five are some of the most important years of your child’s growth and development. They have their first experiences interacting with the world around them. We hope to build a solid social, emotional and educational foundation for your child’s future. Non Discrimination Statement Hall Academy does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. Ethics Statement The staff and associated members of Hall Academy hold a standard of integrity and honesty. We will openly take responsibility for our actions and will not intentionally engage in or participate in any form of malicious harm to another person. Donations If you would like to contribute or make donations, we are ALWAYS in need of the following items: kleenex, 4oz paper cups, paper plates, plastic spoons, paper towels, hand sanitizer, hand soap, tissue rolls, toys, baby wipes, children books, gently used clothes, snacks. Any packaged food items will also be accepted. Thanks.
We service children between the ages of ● 6 weeks to 3 years old for daycare ● 3 to 5 years old for preschool ● 5 to 12 years old for our after school arts program and summer camp We are open year round from 7am to 5:30pm Monday through Friday. Hall Academy will be closed on the following dates: (exact dates will be communicated on school calendar each school year) ● New Years Day ● Martin Luther King Jr. Day ● President’s Day ● Memorial Day ● One Week Spring Break (either March or April) ● Juneteenth ● One week summer break in July (Independence Day week) ● Labor Day ● Columbus Day ● Veterans Day ● Two day fall break in November (Thanksgiving week) ● Two week winter break in December (Christmas and New Years Day weeks)
Children with Special Needs Hall Academy works closely with parents to provide the best education for all students, and in keeping with the special education laws of the State of Georgia and federal government, we will ensure that children with special needs have the opportunity to interact with their peers of the same age on a regular basis. This process frequently involves giving children who participate in a special education preschool program the opportunity to go into a general education preschool classroom for both social and academic learning experiences. The benefit of this type of programming is significant for all students. Children with special needs learn best from their peers through role modeling of appropriate social and behavioral skills. Typically developing children have a unique opportunity to act as a mentor to their peers and learn compassion, tolerance and patience by working with children with developmental delays. Religion/ Culture As we serve children of many faiths, no religion will be emphasized more than the others. However, at times, religious holidays may be discussed, such as Christmas, Easter, Hanukkah, Ramadan, etc. We want to teach the children that our differences should be celebrated. Children and families are encouraged to bring in books, traditional clothing, musical instruments, etc. to teach the children about their culture.
Brightwheel is a software program that can be downloaded as an app that we use to assist in our day to day operations. During the enrollment process, you will receive a text message with a link to set up your profile with Brightwheel for your child. We do make it a mandatory requirement for parents to familiarize themselves with the app for the following purposes: ● Daily student attendance ● Parent communication ● Paying tuition online ● Newsletters, announcements, food menus ● Student Check In/Check Out System ● Arrival & Dismissal permissions ● Emergency alerts ● Pictures and videos ● Daily Reports for Infants/Toddlers
Easy setup: See a full video tutorial HERE >>>> Brightwheel: Parent Sign-up 1. After your child has been added into the system, you will receive an invitation via email or text. At that time, please link to your account using either the web or mobile app. Make sure to use the same email address or cell phone number that the invitation was sent to. HERE is a quick video overview. 2. Set your account preferences. You can adjust your notification preferences within your profile settings on the app. We do make it a mandatory requirement for parents to familiarize themselves with the app and use it for student Check In/Check Out. It is your responsibility to assure that you or anyone added on the approved pickup list always have a cell phone during drop off and pick up available for this process. In the event that a check in or check out is missed, you will be charged $5 per occurrence.
Add Details to Your Child’s Profile: 1. Once your app is set up and linked to your child & Hall Academy, you will see your child’s profile in the APP. 2. If you do not see your child’s profile, please contact us. 3. Click on their “profile” and edit information such as birthdays, allergies, add a photo of your child, etc. 4. Add additional contacts (see below for dismissal permission) to your pickup/drop off team. ● “Parent” should be reserved for parents only; ● “Family” will receive daily updates & photos/videos, have access to messages, and receive a check in/check out code; ● “Approved Pickup” will only receive a check in/check out code; ● “Emergency Contact” will not receive any updates or a check in/check out code Authorization for student dismissal through Brightwheel: 1. Hall Academy uses Brightwheel as a secure way to check your child in and out of school each day and to ensure anyone picking up a child has direct consent from the parent/guardian. 2. Within the app, add contacts to your child’s profile as an “approved pick up” to create your team. 3. Anyone helping out to drop off and/or pick up your child must have this app shared with them and must be added by the parent to the child’s profile as an Approved Pickup. Sharing Brightwheel codes is not allowed. It is required by law that you sign your child in and out everyday. At sign out time, only the designated person can sign the child out. We will not release your child to anyone other than those listed on the designated approval pick-up list. Any person, other than the parent, authorized to pick up, must be on the Brightwheel pick-up list, and must show a picture id (State Identification Card or Driver’s License). If for any reason there is a person not listed and needs to pick up the child, the parent must add them to the list and the person must add the app to their phone to check out the child. Please note: designated person must be 18 years of age or older.
Our school year runs from early August until late May. Our summer enrichment programs run in June and July. Student class placement is determined by their age and birthdate. Students will have to be a particular age to be placed in their aged appropriate class by September 1st of the year. Registration fee is paid before the students start date and is non-refundable. Once an enrollment spot is offered to you, you have 24 hours to either accept or decline the space. If you choose to accept, you have 1 week from when the space is available to start care. If you choose not to start more than a week after the spot becomes available, you are still responsible for payment. If you choose to not pay, you will lose your space. There is a $150.00 non-refundable Annual Enrollment Fee. All families will be required to pay this annual enrollment fee at the time of enrollment and every August after.
Tuition Tuition is always paid one week in advance. Payments can also be set up for bi-weekly or monthly payments. Tuition payments are to keep and maintain your child's spot in the program and is not contingent on student attendance. NO tuition refunds for a child going home early due to illness or personal matters. Our rates include a nutritional breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and full academic schedule. All payments are due on the Friday before each week with a grace period until Monday at 8am or Tuesday at 8am if Monday falls on a holiday. Any payments made after that day and time is subject to a $50 late fee. Repeated late payments may result in discontinuation of enrollment.
Student Withdrawal Students can only be officially withdrawn by the parent or legal guardian at any time with no penalty. There will be no tuition or registration fee refund if the child is unenrolled after payment is made. Stored cubby items will have to be picked up within one week. Any child belongings not retrieved within that time frame may be discarded. Students will be automatically withdrawn if: ● Tuition and/or other fees are more than 3 days past due with no communication from parent or guardian. ● Student has been absent for 5 consecutive school days with no communication from parent or guardian.
School arrival times are between the hours of 7am to 9am. Breakfast ends at 8:30am. No student will be permitted after 9am to prevent schedule interruptions. If your child will be absent, please notify the school directly as soon as possible. It is important for us to know if an enrolled child is absent for safety reasons.
Pick Up Times Due to our quiet time/nap hours, any student that's picked up before 2:30 we ask to receive prior notification and communication to prepare students for early dismissal. Our closing time is at 5:30 pm sharp. Late fees will be assessed for late pick ups at the rate of $5 per minute. Late fees will be added on to the weekly tuition and will have to be paid before the child returns the following week. Repeated late pick-ups may result in discontinuation of enrollment. If a child has not been picked up within fifteen minutes of closing time and the child’s family member has not contacted the school, the Principal or person in charge will attempt to contact all family members or emergency contact persons listed for the child. If the child remains for more than an hour, we will comply with local regulations for next steps.
Meals and Snacks Hall Academy participates in the state-wide CACFP food program. Each day we provide two nutritious and well balanced meals, and an afternoon snack. Whole or 1% milk or 100% fruit juice is served with all the meals and snacks, and water accessible throughout the entire day. Daily food menus will be posted on Brightwheel. Please take a look at page 20 for a sample menu. No outside food will be permitted. We ask that all outside breakfast items are finished BEFORE entering. If your child has certain food allergies and is required to bring his/her own lunch, a doctor's note will be required. Any food items brought to the school for birthdays/special events, must be purchased at the store and brought in its original container with expiration date
Child Personal Items Children should only bring toys to preschool when they are scheduled for “Show and Tell.” Anything brought to school will be kept in the child’s cubby until the time allotted to share them with the class. The teaching staff will then direct children to put the items away. Please keep in mind items such as jewelry, hair bows, electronics will not be the responsibility of Hall Academy staff. If such items are misplaced or lost we will not be responsible for its replacement. Because of safety and choking hazards, certain items may be removed for the child’s body and sent home. Examples: hair beads, jewelry, broken rubber bands. Pacifiers that are attached to baby clothing are also prohibited for the same reason. Any clips, straps, strings or objects that are attached to child's clothing for use of a pacifier will be removed and sent home. Due to lack of space and safety precautions, we are unable to store car seats at Hall Academy. To prevent cross contamination of accidental use by other children, sippy cups will only be provided by Hall Academy and given to children at specific times. Parents will be permitted to provide us with certain juices and milks to be stored or refrigerated in its original container with an expiration date. Please be aware of anything your child brings to school. Note that inappropriate items will be confiscated by the teacher and returned to the parent. Be especially aware of anything that might be considered as drugs, a weapon or a dangerous item. Bringing these types of things to school may result in suspension or expulsion, according to Georgia law.
The initial introduction to using the potty must first start at home. Hall Academy will assist parents with this venture. Children that are transitioning to that stage will be encouraged to go every hour. We certainly will ask your child many times throughout the day and before nap time if they need to use the bathroom. Please send newly potty training children to school with a pull up, with loose, easy pull up and down pants. Students that are considered FULLY potty trained only if they can do the following: ● Communicate to the teachers that he/she needs to go to the restroom before they need to go ● Alert him/herself to stop what he/she is doing, to go and use the bathroom ● Pull down his/her clothes and get them back up without assistance ● Wipe him/herself after using the toilet (with minimal assistance for 3 year olds) ● Get on/off the toilet by him/herself ● Wash and dry hands ● Postpone going if they must wait for someone who is in the bathroom or if we are away from the classroom ● Wake up during nap time should they need to use the bathroom A child having accidents daily would not be considered toilet trained and will have to wear pull-ups until they are dry/accident free for a period of one week or more. We do understand that even toilet trained children will occasionally have accidents. By definition, “accidents” are unusual incidents and should happen infrequently. In these instances, the teachers will help children to change their clothes, encouraging independence as much as possible. Hall Academy requires that ALL Scholars be FULLY potty trained by the age of three and a half. We do understand that accidents happen, and we offer grace for those RANDOM circumstances. Please be aware that Hall Academy prefers Scholars to be relatively accident free. The administration and teachers will use their discretion to determine the pattern of accidents. Hall Academy volunteers and staff will not touch and change any child over four (4) years old in their private areas if they have a potty accident. Please be aware that our expectation is for the Scholar to change their own soiled undergarments and clothing. If they are unable to do so, the parent is to visit the school to change your child’s soiled undergarments. Furthermore, if your child had an accident that requires bathing to be fully refreshed the student will need to be picked up as soon as possible. After the bathing process and clothing change, they may return at the discretion of the on-site Director or Team Leader.
Napping is an important routine in early childhood education. Hall Academy of Child Growth and Development believes in providing a safe and quiet place for Scholars to comfortably relax, sleep and decompress. Ensuring that children get the rest they need supports appropriate child growth and development. We do not require students to sleep during this time. However, we do request that they sit on their cot quietly, relax and do not disturb their peers. Our teachers use researched based techniques to provide other options for students who have a difficult time during quiet time. Please note, it is not a requirement at Hall Academy that students sleep, however they must support a quiet environment for others. Napping “quiet time” provides our teachers time to plan educational lessons, take continued education courses and take care of their personal matters.
Hall Academy will assign each student a monthly homework project. The project will be issued at the beginning of each month with a list of aged appropriate assignments that will be required to be completed and returned back to the school at the end of the month for school display.
Due to daily activities and the age where children may soil themselves or have other accidents we are requesting that you provide 2 sets of a change of clothes to the school. Please write their names on everything to help distinguish their personal belongings from their classmates. If weather permits, the students will go for outdoor recess. It is the parents responsibility that children dress appropriately and have suitable shoes for outside play.
School uniforms consist of issued school polo shirts with logos and jean or khaki bottoms. They will be required to be worn from Monday to Thursday during each week. On Friday, students can wear school pride t-shirts or dress down. If a student arrives at school not in uniform, they will be given a loaner shirt at the cost of $10 a day. Fees will be added and have to be paid before the following week. ● Uniforms are to be neat and clean, free from holes, dirt or stains ● School Uniforms must be worn on field trips. ● Students may choose their own footwear, but it is suggested to wear black colored shoes. Footwear must also be close-toed and enclose the entire foot, exceptions will be made for crocs or similar footwear.
It is important that you keep your child at home when he/she is ill. Sick children attending school risk passing their illness on to other children. Being exposed to an illness may be of particular risk for children with chronic illnesses. Please be as considerate of other families as you would expect them to be of your family. Parents/guardians will be contacted when their child becomes ill at school. You will be expected to pick them up immediately. Please see chart on page 31 for further details
If your child has or was exposed to any communicable disease, parents have an obligation to report exposure to the child care program within 24 hours of a diagnosis, even if they keep their child at home. That way, the child care provider can alert other parents to watch for signs of that illness in their children and seek medical advice when necessary. Please see chart on pages 33-37 for further details
In consultation with the student’s physician, we suggest a time which allows the student’s medication to be taken at home before and after school hours. If this is not possible, as required by licensing standards, any prescription medication that must be given to a student must be accompanied by a completed school form for medication, signed and dated by both the student’s parent/guardian and the student’s physician, to the teacher. Any over the counter medicine must be labeled with the child's name in its original packaging with a visible expiration date. If necessary, we will only administer basic medications up to twice a day.
At Hall Academy we strongly encourage the growth of appropriate pro-social behavior in young children. Pro-social behavioral expectations and classroom activities are a part of the environment to promote safety, respect of others, and protection of property. Our staff is prohibited from using any form of corporal punishment, binding or tying, depriving of meals, snacks, rest or necessary toilet use, confining in an enclosed area, or the infliction of mental or emotional punishment on a child. Our staff may use necessary interventions to prevent a child from harming themselves or other persons or property, exclusive of those forms of punishment mentioned above. Staff uses positive methods of discipline encouraging choice, self-control, self-direction, self esteem and cooperation. At Hall Academy we will do our best to put together a behavior action plan to assist a student that may be having issues. This includes rewards, encouragement, one on one pep talks, praise, and added privileges and activities. The last method used will be 10 minute time-outs and omission from certain extra-curricular activities
Hitting and biting will only allot for a 24 hour turnaround correction time. If students display the same behavior the next school day, they will be sent home immediately and will be subject to suspension or expulsion.
Our staff will go over and beyond to try different methods to help children with behavior issues. However if a child consistently compromises the safety of the other children and staff the child may be immediately suspended or dismissed for the following behaviors: Hitting, head bunting, scratching, spitting, kicking, biting, pinching, or other disruptive or violent behaviors. Suspension time is up to the sole discretion of the Director. There will be no tuition refund if your child is suspended or expelled.
We reserve the right to dismiss a child for any reason. Some reasons may include: ● Parents/guardians or children jeopardizes the health and safety of other children. ● Parents/guardians or children display abusive conduct towards staff, other children, or the school property. ● Parents/guardians are uncooperative with the staff, operating policies, admission agreement, or become delinquent in payment fees. We believe that every parent, child, or staff is entitled to be treated with respect at all times. If there is a problem, we want to deal with it as professionally and efficiently as possible. By working together as a team, we can provide the best care possible for your child. If a situation occurs that angers or upsets you, we will try to rectify the situation immediately. Please keep in mind that people make mistakes. If you still feel the need to threaten the staff in any way, your relationship with the center will be terminated at once and you will be provided with a list of childcare providers to help locate alternate services for your child.
Your child may participate in walking field trips when planned by the staff as a regular part of the children’s program/curriculum. Parents will be informed, in advance, of any field trips that we will take. Parents are responsible for signing permission slips and returning them before the day of the field trip. Hall Academy will use a licensed transportation service for all group driving field trips. Every child will be required to have a car seat to attend. No trip will take place unless there is a safe ratio of adults to children.
● Students will follow the directions of their bus driver. ● Students will wait in an orderly line and avoid playing. ● Students will cross the roadway in front of the bus after the bus has stopped, they have looked at the driver for a hand signal, and they have looked in both directions for traffic; left, right, left. ● Students will go directly to an assigned seat when entering the bus. Keep the aisles and exits clear. ● Students will remain properly seated, back against the back of the seat, bottom against the bottom of the seat, and keep hands to themselves. ● Students will not eat, drink, chew gum, or bring tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or any controlled substances on the bus. ● Students will not carry animals, glass objects, nuisance items, hazardous materials, or weapons onto the bus. ● Students may carry only objects that can be held in their laps. ● Students will refrain from using loud voices, profanity, and/or obscene gestures, and respect the rights and safety of others. ● Students will not extend their heads, arms, or objects out of the bus windows. ● Students will be totally silent at railroad crossings. ● Students will stay seated until time to get off the bus. The open door is the signal to get up from the bus seat. ● Students will help keep their bus clean and in a good, safe condition. Intervention steps are used by the bus driver to help the student stop unsafe or inappropriate behaviors or habits while assisting students to identify the appropriate habit or behavior. Intervention steps also provide notification to the parent/guardian so that the parent can be involved in assisting the driver to change unsafe or inappropriate riding habits. Bus drivers may use the interventions listed below during the intervention step of the process. A minor offense is considered inappropriate or unsafe student behavior that may be improved with minor assistance from the driver. ● Documentation: The bus driver will maintain daily written documentation of all occurrences in the driver’s daily logbook. ● Verbal Reminder: Bus drivers will remind the student of the appropriate bus rule(s.) ● Seat Reassignment: A student’s assigned seat may be changed by the bus driver when such change may help the student to demonstrate appropriate riding behaviors and/or allow the driver to more effectively monitor that student’s behavior. Any or all of the above steps may be bypassed when a student’s actions are illegal or judged by the driver to be or so unsafe or disrespectful that immediate corrective action is required. Violations that should be considered major offenses include, but are not limited to, the following: ● Drugs (includes alcohol or any form of tobacco) ● Throwing objects in or out of the bus ● Fighting (trying to intentionally hurt someone) ● Weapons, dangerous instruments, and explosive/implosive devices (including lighters) ● Threats/bullying (verbal and physical threats) ● Sexual harassment
All children using the toilet are required to wash their hands with antibacterial soap and water after each use. Stepping stools and assistance is provided if needed. If a child requires a potty seat, it too will be cleaned and disinfected after each use. Potty Training If a parent feels that his/her child is ready to be potty trained, the parent should discuss the matter with your child’s teachers. Your child’s caregivers and administration will evaluate your child. The evaluation consists of looking for signs of your child’s readiness. Examples of readiness include being able to dress and undress with ease, balance on a step stool to wash hands, and clean their bottom with tissue without assistance. We will work together to ensure that this process is as easy and successful for your child and your family as possible. It is important for parents to remember that sometimes using the potty at home and using the potty at school is different. It is easy to get frustrated with your child but they will go when they are ready. Potty training should be a natural experience, not a forced experience.
Cubbies are provided for each child and are marked with the child’s name. It is important that you check each day for artwork, notes from the teacher or director, personal items, etc. Classrooms also have ‘Take Home’ folders that you will need to check on the regular.
Communicable diseases are illnesses caused by viruses or bacteria that people spread to one another through contact with contaminated surfaces, bodily fluids, blood products, insect bites, or through the air. The most common in the preschool setting is: ● Stomach Flu. ● Strep Throat. ● Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) ● Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease ● Pink Eye ● Head Lice ● Influenza ● Meningitis Because of the severity of these diseases, it's state law that all licensed child care programs are required to report outbreaks of communicable diseases to both Community Care Licensing, the local public health department and all parents of any child that may have come in contact. An outbreak is defined as two or more known or suspected cases of a disease. Parents of an ill will child know ahead of time of these notifications to other parents but will not mention any names. A chart of those diseases which are reportable is included on pages 32-37.
Discipline in the daycare/preschool setting can be defined as helping your child learn to control inappropriate behavior. Discipline is directed towards the child’s negative behavior and not toward the child as a person. In disciplinary situations, actions are provided in the methods of: Getting down to the child’s level and making eye contact and taking the time to explain the misdeed to the child and helping the child make a better choice in the future by using words to explain his or her needs and frustrations. Other actions include offering alternatives or other problem-solving approach and/or removing the child from the situation and giving him/her some quiet time. In older children, giving them the dialogue of what to say to the child that they hurt or did wrong to by asking the child if they are okay. If the child responds no, then have the child ask what would help them feel better; whether it be a hug, a high-five, or a fist bump, it helps the children begin to understand that they need to fix their mistakes with others and help when needed. Parents will be informed of any consistent inappropriate behavior. Staff will discuss and help develop a plan in an attempt to redirect inappropriate behavior. The Initial Consultation would require the parent(s) of any child with chronic behavioral concerns and who attends the center, to talk with the Director or classroom teachers to discuss the problem and together, establish solutions or goals for correcting the behavior. The Second Consultation would be established if the initial plan fails. Again, the parent(s) will be required to meet with the Director and/or classroom teachers. The problem will be identified and a new approach will be outlined to approach the problem, and discuss the consequences if progress is not achieved. If together with the parent, attempts are unsuccessful to redirect the child’s behavior, suspension or termination may be discussed. Staff members are expected to follow the rule of absolutely no hitting, spanking, swatting, beating, shaking, pinching, or other measures intended to induce physical pain or fear (will result in immediate termination of an employee); you can not threaten or refuse to provide food, rest, or use of the bathroom; nor, is profane or belittling language allowed.
● Place infants on their backs for sleep in their own sleep space with no other people. ● Use a crib, bassinet or portable play yard with a firm, flat mattress and a fitted sheet. ● Keep loose blankets, pillows, stuffed toys, bumpers and other soft items out of the sleep space. ● Infants who fall asleep in other equipment, on the floor or elsewhere will be moved to a crib to sleep; and no swaddling or positioning devices used.
Introducing solid foods is an important milestone in infant development. We will help infants make the transition from formula or breast milk to solid foods, in partnership with the infant’s family.
Have parents complete an infant feeding plan and take the lead on introducing solid foods.
● Ask parents to provide clean, sanitize and label bottles. ● Store prepared bottles in the refrigerator. Store frozen breast milk in the freezer until feeding time and then thaw it in the refrigerator or under cool, running water. ● Wash your hands carefully with soap and water before preparing any bottle. Do not touch nipples with your fingers. ● Do not warm bottles in the microwave. Uneven heating may cause hot spots, which can burn a baby’s mouth. Cover all bottles during storage. ● Prepare commercial infant feedings according to instructions. Add the right amount of water to ensure that the infant gets adequate calories and nutrients. ● Throw away any breast milk or formula left in a bottle after feeding. If too much seems to be going to waste, record the amount usually used and prepare a smaller amount. You also may ask parents to save breast milk in smaller bottles. ● Clean reusable bottles and nipples thoroughly after each use. Bottles and nipples may be washed in a dishwasher in very hot water or washed by hand and boiled for five minutes before refilling. ● Make sure all bottles, nipples, and other utensils are clean. ● Place the baby in a feeding position. Cradle him/her in a semi-upright position and support their head. We don't feed lying down. ● Take note of the baby's intake and document on Brightwheel. ● Burp the baby after each feeding.
● Feed infants whenever they seem hungry. Babies need to eat frequently, especially if they are breastfed. Expect to feed infants approximately every two to three hours. ● Meet individual infants’ needs. Feed each infant on an individual schedule and don’t expect all babies to be hungry at the same time. Babies grow rapidly and hunger needs change quickly. ● Hold babies when you are feeding them. Holding infants during feeding helps them feel more safe and secure. Holding babies also reduces the risk of their choking on breast milk or formula. ● Avoid giving bottles to infants in their cribs. If an infant falls asleep while feeding and an adult is not present to remove the bottle, milk may remain in the mouth during sleep. The sugar naturally found in this milk can cause cavities in new or forming teeth. Teeth with cavities may hurt or break, making it difficult for a child to chew ● Never let infants or toddlers carry bottles. They can easily fall and injure themselves. Children who carry bottles may share sips with other children, which increases their risk of sharing infections
● Place the child on a diapering surface and unfasten diaper. Clean the child’s diaper area with disposable wipes. Always wipe front to back! Keep soiled diapers/clothing away from any surfaces that cannot be easily cleaned. Securely bag soiled clothing. ● Remove trash. Place used wipes in the soiled diaper. Discard the soiled diaper and wipes in the diaper pail. Remove and discard gloves, if used. back! Keep soiled diapers/clothing away from any surfaces that cannot be easily cleaned. Securely bag soiled clothing. ● Replace the diaper. Slide a fresh diaper under the child. Apply diaper cream, if needed, with a tissue or a freshly gloved finger. Fasten the diaper and dress the child. Wash the child's hands with soap and water and place him or her in a safe, supervised area. ● Sanitize. Remove liner from the changing surface and discard in the trash can. Wipe up any visible soil with damp paper towels or a baby wipe. Wet the entire surface with disinfectant. ● Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water
Communication In order to keep our tuition costs low, Hall Academy practices paperless communication. All school news will be primarily done electronically on Brightwheel. We do make it a mandatory requirement for parents to familiarize themselves with the app and use it for ongoing communication and check-in/check-out purposes. Please expect the following via Brightwheel app: ● Any emergency school closing ● Child behavior reports ● Child illness ● Reminders updates about school events and other information of interest to parents. ● Monthly: Lunch menus, newsletters, progress reports with assessment updates. Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled throughout the year and dates will be posted on our school calendar. Parents/guardians or the teacher may request a conference outside of those scheduled dates at a time that works best for both parties. Parents are strongly encouraged to discuss any immediate concerns with their child’s teacher via Brightwheel. For general information, our website is www.hallacademypreschool.com our facebook page is http://facebook.com/hallacademypreschool Updated Information Please make sure that the following information is updated with the school at all times: ● Your Contact Information ○ Please make sure contact information stays up to date at all times. Please update on Brightwheel or contact the school immediately if you're having any address, email or phone number changes, disconnections or other issues to prevent any communication gaps. ● If your child has any new medical issues or food allergies. ● Pick-Up/Drop Off ○ If someone other than the previously authorized individuals will be picking up your child, we must have verifiable permission from the parent or guardian. Photo identification is mandatory for anyone unknown to the staff. A child will NOT be released without confirming the identity and authorization of the person picking up.
Payment of Tuition and Fees Tuition payments are due every Friday of each week. A grace period is extended until Monday at 8am. Non-payment of tuition will prevent your child from attending school the following week. If tuition is late, you will be charged a $50 late fee. Late fees will be added on to the weekly tuition and will have to be paid before the child returns the following week.
Divorce and Separations Hall Academy will abide by the information of those who are authorized to pick up the child on the initial application. In the event of any parent divorce or separation, our school requests that a copy of the Judge’s order establishing custody be on file in order to prevent a non-custodial parent access to their child
Child Abuse You are responsible for your child's overall health and well being. The Georgia Child Abuse Law, O.C.G.A. §19-7-5, requires child program staff to report suspected child abuse. Child abuse is a broad term that includes, but is not limited to, physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, and emotional abuse of children.
For Volunteering, Field Trips, Birthday Parties, and School Visit Drop-Ins Ongoing parent volunteers may be subject to a background check. Parents of enrolled children are welcomed for brief drop-in at any time except during our quiet time hours. Please contact the school at least an hour in advance before you plan to visit. Field trips, picnics, and evening activities are considered class periods, providing important learning and social opportunities for the children and are part of the preschool program. School Directors and Administration will make arrangements for appropriate trips. Permission slips will be issued for outings that are more than 0.5 miles from the school location a week in advance. Any fees and/or transportation cost for the child and chaperones are the responsibility of the parent. Trips that require a cost are always optional. Birthdays are exciting for young children. If you plan to celebrate your child's birthday at school please notify the teacher at least one week in advance. We encourage you to get a head count to have enough treats for the entire class. Birthday treats are to be store bought and not be home made.
Drugs & Alcohol Per Georgia law: Alcohol/SmokingDrugs/Weapons is prohibited in this facility and on the grounds of this facility including in personal vehicles.
School Sanitation, Disinfecting and Hand Washing Routines Cleaning, disinfection, and hand hygiene is exhaustively promoted at Hall Academy to help prevent the spread of germs and viruses. School Sanitation Twice daily and as needed: (at nap time and at the close of each school day) tables, chairs, toys, door handles, toilets, sink handles. Daily: (at the close of each school day) cots and playground equipment are sprayed with disinfectant, school floors are vacuumed, swept, mopped and disinfected. Weekly: school furniture and walls are deep cleaned and disinfected. Quarterly: commercialized deep clean Student daily hand washing routines Before and after breakfast, lunch and snacks After recess After using the restroom After sneezing or coughing in hands After contact if any type of bodily fluids After art, science or other messy activity School Accidents, Emergencies and Cancellations Whenever a child is injured in a classroom accident parents will be provided with information. The parent/guardian will be notified immediately if a child is hurt anywhere on their head or if the injury is serious. Staff are trained in CPR and First Aid to provide appropriate care. Parents will be provided with information on all non-serious accidents/injuries when they pick up their child. If immediate medical emergency occurs, child will be taken to Wellstar Douglas Emergency Department Emergency room 8954 Hospital Dr · (770) 949-1500 All classrooms have procedures posted for handling accidents and emergencies. Drills for tornado, fire, and intruders are practiced with all age groups. Emergency plans have been developed and are posted for parent viewing. All school cancellations due to power failure, structural damage, inclement weather or other unforeseen issues will be communicated via Brightwheel, text message and/or phone call to parents as soon as possible. Fire Drills The Center shall conduct drills for fire, tornado and other emergency situations. The fire drills will be conducted monthly and tornado and other emergency situation drills will be conducted every six months. The Center shall maintain documentation of the dates and times of these drills for two years.
* These diseases should have been vaccinated against,if immunizations are up to date. Chicken pox may still occur,but usually in milder form.
# These diseases may be of concern to staff member who are pregnant or trying to be become pregnant. Follow-up with obstetric health care provider is recommended after known or suspected contact.
† To reduce the spread of diseases in the classroom or child care center,it is recommended that similar illnesses(greater than three in the child care center or classroom) be reported to your country health department.
Exceptions to the exclusion/return to school guidlines listed on this chart may be made by local health department personnel and/or primary care physician an individual case-by-case basis.
Adequate handwashing facilities, policies, and procedures are the keys to excellent hygiene that will eliminate or minimize transmission of the these diseases and keep students in school.
This parent handbook was created to promote an understanding of Hall Academy of Child Growth and Development LLC. policies and procedures. The information in this handbook applies to all activities occurring on school grounds, and during any school-related activity. It is important that parents and students are familiar with these expectations. Your signature means that you have received this Parent Handbook and understand the policies and procedures of our school. I have read and understand the policies and procedures in the parent handbook. I agree to abide by them as will my children.
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